The Blog

Are you looking for a reason to do something for yourself? Well… how about 10?! Keep reading to find out 10 reasons to do a boudoir shoot and why my Michigan boudoir studio might be the perfect place for you! HEY LADIES! I want to ask you a super important question: WHEN IS THE LAST […]

10 Reasons To Do a Boudoir Shoot | Michigan Boudoir Studio

women laying on couch

As a Kalamazoo boudoir photographer my goal is to always empower women and ensure they leave my studio loving themselves a little more than when they arrived. A huge part of your self-love journey is doing just that… loving yourself. So how do we love ourselves? Keep reading to find easy self-care practices to integrate

Self-Care Made Easy | Kalamazoo Boudoir

Ms. J wanted to treat herself in a unique way. She recognized the need for self-care which brought her to booking her boudoir session.

Ms. J Boudoir Session | Kalamazoo Boudoir

woman leaning back in lingerie

What is your Boudoir Style? Thinking about a Boudoir session in the West Michigan Area? Take this quiz to design your authentic boudoir shoot!

West Michigan Boudoir Style Guide

girl posing on table